Thursday, June 25, 2009

The King of Pop

wow... I cannot believe this happened. I'm not going to dwell on the obvious tragedy, instead I'd like to reflect on some of his great work. we all have memories associated with his music. here are some of mine :)

i think i was 3 or 4, my mom dressed me up and took me to the youth fair, made a music video of me singing to this song... thanks mom

Freshman year of high school, i was in the drum line of the marching band. We played this song about 80,000 times when we marched in the orange bowl parade. my arms hurt so bad that night, but it was a lot of fun.

My little sister, Arica LOVES this song... she knows the dance, and every word- including narration. *I know the original video is dope, but this is the only version I could find on youtube that let me embed.

do I really need to break this one down for you?

I had cable when this video came out, the video is just amazing & I really love that they made this together. sometimes life just makes you just wanna scream.

RIP Michael Jackson 1958-2009
sincerest condolences go out to his family.

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